Affinity photo mac price
Affinity photo mac price

Built-in Pixel Persona: With Affinity Designer for iPad, you can seamlessly switch between vector and raster, allowing you to sketch, paint, and make pixel selections without ever needing to leave the app.Basically, if you prefer to bring your ideas to life using vector, you're set. Affinity Designer for iPad also boasts vector brushes, stabilization for freehand vector drawing, 1,000,000% zoom, fluid and customizable shape creation - I could seriously go on and on. Smooth vector tools: Affinity Designer for iPad offers vector tools that allow you to create with, and I quote, "pinpoint precision." You can pretty much do everything vector-wise that you can do in the Mac version of the app, like drawing and manipulating nodes and Bezier handles, dividing and combining shapes using non-destructive Booleans, and more.

Affinity photo mac price